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Orthopedic Device Manufacturer Finalizes Long-Term Growth Plans in Indiana


来源: 印第安纳经济发展公司

华沙,印第安纳州. (2020年9月22日 叉骨医学, 这是一家总部位于华沙的儿科骨科设备公司, announced plans today to expand its operations in Indiana, growing its global headquarters in Warsaw to support new product 发展 and manufacturing operations in Indiana and beyond. 该公司计划继续其最近的招聘趋势, 未来两年将新增51个工作岗位.

“Indiana’s reputation as the Orthopedics Capital of the World continues to grow thanks to companies like 叉骨医学,印第安纳州商务部长吉姆·谢林格说. “We’re grateful that 叉骨医学 is choosing to fuel its growth in Indiana, we remain confident that the state’s pro-business environment and talent pipeline will support the company’s future success as they work to deliver critical devices for pediatric patients around the world.”

叉骨医学, 设计, develops and manufactures pediatric implants and instruments, will make a significant investment to expand its footprint in Warsaw, 采购, 翻新和装备一个12,位于首都大道100号的200平方英尺的设施. 建筑, 哪一个将作为公司的新总部, will allow WishBone to enhance its manufacturing and sterile packaging operations while fueling growth at its subsidiaries, 红星代工 in Larwill, Indiana; Red Star Medical Solutions in Plymouth, Indiana; and 正的反应 在土耳其伊斯坦布尔. 该公司 plans to celebrate the grand opening of its facility this October.

“WishBone’s rapidly growing portfolio requires an even larger team,尼克·迪特说, 叉骨医学的创始人兼首席执行官. “While we have certainly outgrown our main office, it’s a problem we’re glad to have. 在我们寻找更多空间的过程中, we were committed to keeping our corporate headquarters in Warsaw, where there is such a diverse pool of industry professionals to draw from. The city’s highly visible ‘SYM’ 构建ing on US 30 provides an accessible base and central location to our Indiana facilities. We cannot wait to make the property WishBone’s new ‘home’ as we begin a new chapter.”

Despite the unprecedented challenges faced by Indiana businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, WishBone的团队不断壮大. 该公司, 该公司于2018年首次概述了其华沙增长计划, committed to creating up to 81 new jobs and has already hired 30 new positions toward its goal. WishBone目前正在招聘产品设计人员, 发展, 市场营销, quality and regulatory affairs associates at its corporate office in Warsaw. 有兴趣的申请人可申请 在线.

成立于2017年, 叉骨医学 is the only pediatric orthopedic company to offer anatomically appropriate solutions in single-use, 无菌包装程序包. 据公司介绍, 95%的儿童服用标签外药物, adult orthopedic products that are not designed for their unique physiological needs. WishBone products are specially designed to accommodate children’s rapidly-changing bodies while addressing a variety of conditions that surgeons treat on a daily basis.

“We’re excited to see the rapid growth of 叉骨医学 to impact patients worldwide from their headquarters in our community,华沙市长乔·塞勒默说. “Warsaw is known as the Orthopedics Capital both for the industry’s strong legacy in our community as well as how the future of the industry is being shaped here.”

The 印第安纳经济发展公司 offered 叉骨医学 Inc. 最高1美元.5 million in conditional tax credits based on its 2018 job creation plans. 这些税收抵免是基于绩效的, meaning the company is eligible to claim incentives once Hoosiers are hired. The city of Warsaw approved additional incentives last night at the request of the Kosciusko Economic Development Corporation.

Orthopedic device companies like 叉骨医学 continue to grow in Indiana – a global leader in the life sciences industry. According to BioCrossroads and the Indiana Business Research Center, Indiana is the No. 2 largest exporter of life sciences products in the U.S.总共10多美元.50亿年. 2人以上,印第安纳州有100家生命科学公司, 支持56,575个平均工资超过102美元的印第安纳州工作岗位,每年000. Additionally, Warsaw, Indiana, is known as the Orthopedic Capital of the World.


凯特琳·休斯:(许愿骨医疗)- 574.306.4006或khughes@WishBoneMedical.com
Erin Sweitzer:(IEDC) - 317.296.2556或esweitzer@iedc.in.政府

叉骨医学 is a global pediatric orthopedic company, committed to providing anatomically appropriate innovative implants, 一次性使用的仪器和生物制品, 无菌包装程序包, 旨在预防感染, reduce overall costs for customers and achieve the best outcomes for children around the world who are still growing. The 叉骨医学 Family of Companies offers 42 product systems with operations in Warsaw, IN, 伊斯坦布尔, 和新加坡.

The 印第安纳经济发展公司 (IEDC) leads the state of Indiana’s economic 发展 efforts, 帮助企业创业, 在该州种植和定位. Governed by a 15-member board chaired by Governor Eric J. 霍尔科姆, IEDC管理着许多倡议, 包括基于绩效的税收抵免, 劳动力培训补助金, 创新创业资源, 公共基础设施援助, 以及吸引和留住人才的努力. 有关IEDC的更多信息,请访问www.iedc.in.政府.